Realizations, Uncategorized

Why I don’t impose veganism on my daughter. (yet)?

A few months ago, my husband and I became vegans. My 2-year old daughter is not yet a vegan. Some may frown to this fact but I cant impose veganism on her yet.

I admit, we still feed her with formula milk. She will turn 3 soon and I plan to stop giving her formula milk. Not to worry though, I will not make the drastic changes without consulting her pedia and a vegan nutritionist (still looking for one).

Though she is not yet vegan, I admire my daughter’s love for animals. She is the one who reminds us that fish, chicken and pig and all other animals she sees being cooked, are “wawa” or “kawawa”. She never liked consuming meat products. She loves corn, kangkong, and tofu!

I will update you all how her transition goes soon!